Etiquette and formation of the student's image

25 january, 2023



This event is organized within the framework of the State Policy in the field of Higher Education and science, in order to support young people and foster patriotic spirit.

1. The concept of social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030:

2. National projects of the Republic of Kazakhstan (10 national projects).

3. The Charter of the University and the development program of the NAO "Al-Farabi Kazakh National University" for 2022-2026. 

Participants pledged to follow a number of important principles aimed at creating a positive image and improving relationships in the learning environment. Here are some of them:

1. Attendance of classes: Participants undertook not to skip classes, realizing that regular attendance at lectures and seminars is the basis for successful study and personal development.

2. Decorum in clothing: Students sought to maintain cleanliness and neatness in their appearance by choosing suitable and well-groomed clothes, which contributed to the formation of a presentable and well-groomed image.

3. Graceful behavior: The participants of the challenge tried to show elegance in their movements and manners, which created a pleasant impression on others and contributed to the development of self-confidence.

4. Respect for the environment: Participants recognized the importance of respecting their environment, including teachers, administrators and fellow students. This contributed to the creation of a harmonious and friendly atmosphere in the educational institution.

5. Building positive relationships: Students always tried to maintain good relations with people, show kindness and openness, which contributed to the creation of a friendly and trusting atmosphere in the learning environment.

The purpose of these measures was to form students' best personality traits, promote their personal growth and influence the formation of a positive educational environment in which everyone felt respected and supported.