Meeting of student activists about law and order

27 february, 2023


This event was organized to discuss issues related to security and law and order on the university campus and its surroundings, as well as to establish interaction between the student community and law enforcement agencies.

During the meeting, the Chairman of the Committee of Youth Organizations shared the opinions and suggestions of students regarding measures to improve security at the university. She expressed the students' interest in cooperation with law enforcement agencies and the need to create a fruitful dialogue for effective work to prevent offenses and ensure the safety of all students and staff.

The meeting provided an opportunity for students to express their concerns and make suggestions for improving the situation on campus. Her active participation and dedication to the interests of the student community contributed to the establishment of cooperation between students and law enforcement agencies, which created a positive dynamic and mutual understanding between all participants of the meeting.

As a result, the meeting became a significant step towards improving cooperation between the student community and law enforcement agencies, and also increased the level of safety and comfort in the university environment. Leadership in the organization of student life has become a key element in achieving positive results in the field of security and cooperation within the university community.