What should a KazNU student be like?

2 february, 2023



The speaker and speaker of this meeting was Saylauov Bakytzhan, chairman of the law enforcement unit of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University:

"What should a KazNU student be like? In my opinion, he should be hardworking, purposeful, the goal is motivation for development, creative, because no work is complete without creativity, self-critical and perceiving outside criticism; it is important to listen to the advice of knowledgeable people and objectively assess their capabilities, but self-discipline should always come first; having painted your day minute by minute and by demanding the fulfillment of all plans, the student will be able to get one step closer to his cherished dream. It's not enough to be talented, you need to work sometimes!"

These events are organized within the framework of the State Policy in the field of Higher Education and science, in order to support young people and foster patriotic spirit.