Bright Star – 2023

2 march, 2023


This event is organized within the framework of the State Policy in the field of Higher Education and science, in order to support young people and foster patriotic spirit:

1. Development strategies of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2050;

2. The concept of social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030;

3. Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025;

We want to leave vivid memories and stellar moments in the memory of our young children. The main goal of the project is to ensure close contact of children with disabilities with society, to identify and support children's talents. Through this project, we wanted to help young artists conquer high stages in the future, 7 children from orphanages and boarding schools took part in the Bright Star 2023 contest. The children who presented their creativity took part in 8 nominations and made an impression.