International Youth Da

12 august, 2023


On August 12, International Youth Day, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University offers the following discounts on tuition fees and accommodation in student houses for students on a fee basis.

The following types of discounts were considered for tuition fees: for holders of certificates of a special sample 10% discount, for large families, excellent students 10% discount, for children of KazNU employees 15-25% discount, for students from the socially unprotected part of the population 10-100% discount, for 15-30% discount for foreign students, 15-25% discount for holders of the “Altyn Belgi” sign, 100% discount for winners of the Al-Farabi International Olympiad, 100% discount for students for sports achievements. Discounts for living in student houses for 4 years: 100% discount for orphans and Afghans, 10-50% discount for students with disabilities, 10-100% discount for foreign students under international agreements.

The university implements a corporate ideology based on the introduction of high standards of ethics and decency to achieve a qualitatively new impact in the spiritual and moral development and civic responsibility of young people.

These events are organized within the framework of the State policy in the field of higher education and science, in order to support youth and foster a patriotic spirit.

1. Development strategies of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2050:

2. The concept of social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030:

3. Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025;

4. National projects of the Republic of Kazakhstan (10 national projects).

5. Charter of the university and the development program of the NJSC "Al-Farabi Kazakh National University" for 2022-2026.

6. Goals of sustainable development.

• social sustainability.

• social impact.

This activity expands the practice of social responsibility, focused on the implementation of sustainable development goals, which is an important resource for educating students and a form of university leadership.