Отзыв студента КазНУ Диляра Явуз (Турция)

27 апреля, 2023

It has been a dream for so many to go to an another country to pursue education, getting an exposure to the various cultures from around the world and exploring places that you never knew existed. And, all of us students sitting here today, are living that dream. We are here in a completely new country, living an almost new life. We are in a place where we get to start fresh. But let’s be frank, it’s not all that dreamy.Yes, we are free. Yes, we are independent. Here, we don’t have to worry about anything except us. We are like warriors, strong and powerful when need be but occasionally ending up alone at the end of the day.  Moving away from home can be hard. You don’t know a lot of people and even if you do, still you sometimes end up with no one that understands you or with whom you can share your feelings with. But these are the experiences that make you feel alive and make you strong in the end. Throughout your life here, there will be a lot of things that you can be proud of but there will be failures too. And every time you fall, you will come up stronger, more determined to build your life and your future. And, this is what being an international student teaches you. At the end, I would like to take this time to express my gratitude. Thank you for making my dreams come true, to everyone who stood by me and helped me enjoy my life here.