Review of a KazNU student from Nigeria

27 april, 2023

Good day ladies and gentlemen, my name is Mahmood Sadiq Abubakar, and I am standing before you on behalf of all the Nigerian students in Al-farabi KazNU. Before my journey, I was so excited and fearful at the same time, I was afraid of not knowing anyone, being alone and inability to communicate with the locals. Looking back now, I feel silly for allowing these worries to cloud my mind. A five hours difference in time wasnt really easy to overcome but the most astonishing aspect is waking up to the beautiful mountainous view of the city. A weather that you have to differentiate winter shoes from summer shoes, and wearing 2-3 layers of clothing. I know it’s the first time seeing a black person for so many Kazakh people, cause  I always hear whispers and next minute when I turn around, I see a group of people staring at me while whispering to each other. I know they’d wished to touch my skin to know if I’m real.It was actually fun being watched “but sometimes I always felt like I should just hide in the dark, so no one could see me”Although it’s still very difficult to converse with a majority here, I have learned to understand new accents and a language I am just hearing for the first time. The locals in Kazakhstan are the best people you will ever meet in your life, they are always ready to help you with no regards to who you are, where you’re from, your color or race and you will never feel lonely when they are around you. Being in Kazakhstan has put me in more real life situations than anything I’ve ever done in the past. I have learned to appreciate the value of time, family, friends and myself. I am much more confident in myself and the choices I make, the risks I am willing to take in life from here on out. It makes me realize just how privileged I am to to take advantage of this great opportunity. I would forever be grateful that I have the opportunity to study in Kazakhstan.