KazNU expands cooperation with "Antalya Bilim University"

28 august, 2023

Председатель Правления – Ректор Казахского национального университета имени Аль-Фараби Жансеит Туймебаев провел встречу с ректором Antalya Bilim University, профессором Исмаилом Юксеком.

   During the conversation the parties discussed ways to further strengthen cooperation and considered a number of issues.The head of the university informed the guest of honor about the achievements and further plans of KazNU.

   Currently, the university maintains close relations with higher educational institutions and institutes of Turkey in the directions of science, education and culture. In particular, cooperation with more than 40 leading universities such as Istanbul, Yeditepe, Ankara, Mimar Sinan has been established. Within the framework of the Mevlana International Program, 31 cooperation agreements have been concluded with universities in Turkey. In 2021 more than 50 teachers and employees of KazNU specially visited Antalya Bilim University and underwent internship in it. This trend continued in 2022. Thus, another 50 employees of the university visited this university and improved their qualifications.

    "In 2022, a branch of KazNU was opened in the University of Istanbul. Since 1996, the chair of TURKSOY has been successfully working in KazNU. We will continue to work on further development of partnership with the brotherly country. In this regard, we intend to intensify cooperation with the scientific university of Antalya in the field of science and education", - said Zhanseit Tuimebayev.

    In turn, Ismail Yuksek highly appreciated the results of the university and expressed confidence in further increasing cooperation between the two universities.

    After the meeting, the guest of honor visited the KazNU Museum, the Center for Situational Management and the Al-Farabi Library and familiarized himself with their activities.

Press- Service of Al- Farabi Kazakh National University.

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