"Korean language business course" opens

8 september, 2023

      On July 28, 2023, at the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, a Memorandum of Understanding on the 'Korean Language Business Course' was signed between the Faraby Study Center and Global Human Resource Education Center (Republic of Korea) under the leadership of professor Lee Byong Jo, Abagan Akerke (business course executor: Department of the Far East(Korean Studies)).

     Recently, consultations have been held between the governments of Kazakhstan and Korea on the issue of sending and receiving labor. As a result, Kazakhstan people wishing to work in Korea will be guaranteed the right to work in Korea through official procedures. Instead, workers sent to Korea must take a basic Korean language course for a certain period of time at an educational institution in Kazakhstan. The "Global Human Resource Education Center" will be responsible for recruiting within Kazakhstan and sending workers to Korea on a regular basis, and Department of the Far East will be responsible for basic Korean language training for workers.

    The 'Korean Language Business Course' is a paid course. Teachers from the Far East Department are directly involved in it. First of all, This project is of great importance as it is a sustainable project and since it is a paid business course, it is expected to benefit the Department and further enhance the status of the Department in the country.