Historical tour with students in hot sunshine

8 september, 2023

     On July 31, 2023, the visiting professor of the Department of the Far East of the Al-Farabi KazNU Lee Byong Jo conducted a historical excursion with students of the Department of the Far East (Korean Studies) in Ushtobe. Ushtobe is a starting point for Koreans(Koryein) in Kazakhstan and a "Mecca" for 550,000 Koreans(Koryein) living in the CIS. In Ushtobe, in 1999, with the support of the Korean government, the Korean-Kazakh Friendship Park was created in memory of the deportation in 1937 and the first settlement of Koreans, and recently (2022) a Memorial to Korean anti-Japanese patriots was built in the park. In addition, a memorial monument (1999) was erected in the central park of the city of Ushtobe in memory of the victims of political repression in Stalin's times, and the Koryein (Korean) museum, which reproduces the dugout and reed house where Koreans lived at the beginning of the resettlement period, was also built. It preserves the old building of the Korean Theater, which operated from 1942 to 1959, as well as the first Korean school, built in 1938. The student-participants of the excursion gained more knowledge about the Korean diaspora in Kazakhstan thanks to the historical tour. We really hope that the historic visit to Ushtobe will be a good opportunity to increase students' interest in Korean studies.