Festive event within the Week of Languages

9 september, 2023

On the occasion of the Day of the Languages of the People of Kazakhstan, a festive event called "Your language is for unity" was held. Dean of the Faculty of Philology, doctor of philological sciences, professor B.O. Zholdasbekova opened with a congratulatory speech.  The holiday of languages coincides with the birthday of Ahmet Baitursynuly, the teacher of the nation, who fought for the fate and language of the Kazakh people. That's why scientists spoke about Ahmet Baitursynov's works and a film was shown. The rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Professor Zh.K. Tuymebaev was congratulated by the director of the department J.D. Yesimova delivered.
As part of "Akhmet's readings", the presentation of the book "Proverbs in the Archives" by academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor Shora Sarybayev was held. The faculty of the department gave a lecture to the 1st year students enrolled in our university. Memories from the works of Ahmet Baitursynuly and Shora Sarybay were presented. It was a wonderful conversation, which gave the students a spiritual rest, beautifying themselves with their songs.