Economic opportunities for rational development of water resources.

25 september, 2023

Now the world globalization is developing in a very fast and complicated situation. President Kasym-Jomart Tokayev in his address to the people of Kazakhstan on September 1 instructed to create the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation. We believe that this is a timely strategic decision. Because efficient and economical use of water resources occupies a very important place in the development of the national economy of our country. Water resources are widely used in everyday human life.
Water is an invaluable natural resource. All life on Earth depends on water. Life cannot exist without water. Water is an essential component of the human and animal body. Water makes up 45-70 percent of the total mass of an adult animal, as well as 97 percent of human and animal embryos.

Today, sectors of the nation's economy are experiencing water shortages. Since 65-70 percent of 6,300 settlements in 17 regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan are located in desert and arid regions, it ranks last among Central Asian countries in terms of water availability per capita at 19.8 million people. Our water resources mainly come from other countries: PRC (Irtys, Ili), Central Asian countries (Syr Darya, Talas, Shu), Russia (Yedil, Zhaiyk) through transboundary rivers.
According to research data, the volume of water resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan is 90-100 cubic kilometers. Of these, 50.8 cubic kilometers is local runoff, the rest is 39.2 cubic kilometers. Groundwater reserves amount to 15.5 cubic kilometers per year. There are many water bodies in the country: Buktyrma, Koksarai, Nura, Kapshagai, Tasotkel, Teris-Ashchibulak, Shar, Shardara and others. Their usefulness for the country's economy is very great.
Today, the area of irrigated agricultural land in the country is 1.8 million hectares, and by 2025-2030 it is planned to reach 3 million hectares. 80 percent of irrigated land is mainly located in five regions of the southern economic district: Zhetysu, Almaty, Zhambyl, Turkestan, and Kyzylorda. Limited water resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan and increasing tendency of glacier reserves reduction due to climate change require their effective utilization in agriculture.
Our country is an industrial-agrarian country. The area of arable land in the country is 24 million hectares, on average 17-20 million tons of grain are harvested annually, of which 7 million tons are used for domestic needs and 8-10 million tons are exported. Today, 17 experimental stations in the country's regions conduct scientific research in the field of crop and livestock production and present their positive results to production. For example, it takes 10-15 years to produce a new breed of sheep, and 11-12 years to produce a variety of vegetables.

In the field of agriculture, crop yields directly depend on water resources, that is, only with the use of advanced innovative technologies and rational methods of using water resources will increase crop yields and the efficiency of agricultural structures. increase, the number and types of flora and fauna in the region will not decrease, and a sustainable ecosystem will be formed. Lack of water resources in our country is a major constraint to the development of agriculture.
It emphasizes the need to turn to the use of innovation results in the economical use of water resources. Savings measures should be based on the assessment of the current situation. The task is to consider problems and ways to improve economic and environmental efficiency of irrigation water use in agriculture. The main factors affecting water use efficiency should be analyzed and clearly defined.
Sudy paidalanu tiimdiligine әser etetin nergizgі factor¬lar taldalyp, naқty anyқtaluy tiis. Doing so may result in damage to the equipment, which may cause damage to the equipment, and may also result in damage to the equipment, which may result in damage to the equipment, as well as damage to the equipment, which may result in damage to the equipment, as well as damage to the equipment, In addition, if you do not allow the institution to be institutionalized, 252,191 farmers and farmers will not be able to do so, and if you do not allow the institution to be institutionalized, 252,191 farmers and farmers will not be able to do so. Doing so may cause the farmer to lose his or her ability to use the technology and the courts to take action. At the same time, the rapid development of agricultural industries and growth of export potential cannot be realized without the introduction of innovations in the agricultural production complex of the country. The main goal of agrarian policy in our country is the production of high-quality export-oriented food products. The introduced innovations, i.e. "smart technologies", should give an impetus to the development of agro-industrial complex. In the development of agrarian science, he is directly involved in the platform of creating an innovation database of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi.Priority should be given to the following directions of improving the efficiency of water resources use in the agricultural sector: growing crops that require less water, drip irrigation; using the results of domestic research in the production of crops and animal species and seeds, improving mechanisms of state support for agricultural cooperatives, further development of innovative (deep processing of raw materials) roadmaps and digitalization; regulating the order of groundwater extraction; rationing of water supply and water protection technologies; providing them with credits and other benefits while implementing other effective measures for the protection and rational use of water resources. Development and financing of approved programs for rational use and protection of water bodies. development of main directions for improvement of water supply and water protection technologies; granting them credits and other privileges while implementing other effective measures for protection and rational use of water resources; creation of state funds and their use for rehabilitation and protection of water bodies. 
The directions of rational use of water resources are based on the development of national economy of the country. Professors of the Management Department support the message of the Head of State, who defined the priority directions of economic development of the country, and use all their knowledge and experience in the direction of its realization.


Professor of the Department of Management, Doctor of Economics

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