KazNU signed an agreement with the University of Grenoble-Alpes

30 september, 2023

During a working trip to Japan, Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebaev held a meeting with the President of the University of Grenoble - Alpes in France Yassin Laknesh, where the parties signed a cooperation agreement.

The main goal is to develop partnerships, exchange of teachers and students, joint international conferences, research and training of qualified personnel.

At the meeting, the head of the university Zhanseit Tuimebaev drew the attention of Yasin Laknesh to the fact that KazNU attaches special importance to the development of partnership with the University of Grenoble - Alpes.

According to the rector, KazNU closely cooperates with 20 universities in France. Also, 16 teachers of the university visited universities in France, where they took part in conferences. Also in 2022/23 academic years in KazNU lectured authoritative doctors PhD and professors of France.

During the meeting, the parties noted the dynamic development of bilateral relations and confirmed mutual interest in further strengthening of partnership.

The heads of the two universities identified the main areas of cooperation and agreed to intensify interaction in the field of education and science.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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