The lecturers of the Faculty of Philology organized the traning course for the teachers from the linguistic centere"Language" .

22 september, 2023

On September 21-22, within the framework of the state program of implementing  language policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025, a training course for teachers: "Teaching using modern methods" was held. The teachers of the educational and "Language"  methodological center of Almaty region took part in it to improve  their knowledge and  qualification.

Karlygash Aidarbek, associate professor of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, doctor of philological sciences, and Aynur Abdijalelovna, PhD, senior lecturer of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, made  a report and shared experience with the listeners. The course included the following topics: "Problems of language teaching within the framework of the modern scientific paradigm" (K.Zh Aidarbek), "Psycholinguistic aspect of language teaching" (K.Zh Aidarbek), "Innovative methods of level teaching of speech activity (listening, vocabulary and grammar parts on the basis)" (A.A. Akkozova), "Reading, spelling, pronunciation: basic principles and structure" (A.A. Akkozova. The speakers were asked  a lot of  questions. The listeners were able not only enrich their knowledge  but also share their own experience .

 The national teacher, methodologist-scientist,  A.Baytursynuly one said:  "There is no good or bad method. The sign of ignorance is to have only one method, to have skill is to have different methods; "It is also possible to find a method that is not in the right place”. These wise words concluded the series of the lectures delivered within the framework of the training course.

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