5 october, 2023

Within the framework of the Teacher's Day the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebaev paid tribute to the veteran teachers who worked in the educational institution for many years.

The meeting was attended by university professors: Eleonora Suleimenova, Zulkair Mansurov, Kalkaman Zhumagulov, Nurjamal Aldabek, Tursyn Gabitov, Kuralay Baizakova, Erzhan Zhatkanbaev, Alua Ibraeva, Sagymbai Kozybaev, Tamara Shalakhmetova, Ualsher Tukeyev, Gulnara Nurmuhammedovna, Bazarbai Umbetov, Makpal Tulegenova and Aisha Begalieva.

Note that in accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan professional holiday of teachers - Teacher's Day this year was approved on October 5.

At the meeting, the head of the university noted the importance of the significant holiday and congratulated the teaching staff on the professional holiday.

"In his speech, the Head of State Kasym-Jomart Tokayev noted: "Teacher is the most noble profession. We respect teachers because they are personalities of a high level". You have worked painstakingly for many years in training qualified and educated specialists. Among the teachers present at this meeting are teachers who taught me at the university. The students you educate work not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad. Thank you! May your labor in bringing up the younger generation bear fruit and be appreciated. I wish you health, family welfare and creative success!", - said the rector.

Speaking on behalf of the faculty, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Zulkair Mansurov wished further successes in the development of the university and addressed his colleagues.

"I believe that the teacher, who makes an invaluable contribution to the formation of any citizen as a human being, will always remain an honorable and noble profession. In 2024, KazNU will be 90 years old. This is a great achievement. To date, KazNU has graduated many students who work in different spheres of our country. Every day education is developing and improving. I wish you success in your future work. Happy holiday", - said Zulkair Mansurov.

В свою очередь доктор исторических наук, профессор Калкаман Жумагулов отметил: «В этом году мне исполняется 52 года. Раньше количество студентов, поступающих в учебное заведение, было небольшим. Ежегодно увеличивается контингент обучающейся молодежи, поступающих в наш университет. Это нас очень радует. Если будем работать сплоченно, то в дальнейшем мы достигнем больших успехов» - поделился он.

During the meeting, the rector presented flowers to the veteran teachers and the gathering took a commemorative photograph.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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