Delegation of L'Oriental University of Naples visited KazNU

5 october, 2023

The delegation of L'Oriental University of Naples headed by its rector Roberto Tottoli visited KazNU named after Al-Farabi. The guests were welcomed by the Chairman of the Board-Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebaev.

To date, 11 agreements on cooperation between KazNU and the Universities of Italy have been concluded. KazNU students annually undergo internships under the program of academic mobility in the universities of Italy, such as Sapienza, Salento, Siena, Urbino University named after Carlo Bo and others. KazNU has been cooperating with the University of Naples L'Oriental since 2018, as a result of which joint projects and scientific research in the field of linguistic, literary, historical, political, cultural, religious features of Asia and Africa are realized.

In 2022-2023, five students and seven doctoral students were trained in Italian universities, 25 teachers of KazNU participated in various conferences, professional development courses, thus realizing joint projects. Last year KazNU accepted one student of the University of Rome La Sapienza at the Faculty of History on a double degree program. Every year professors from universities of Italy are invited to give lectures. This year, five visiting professors from Italy, who teach at the faculties: Philosophy and Political Science, Higher School of Economics and Business, International Relations, Geography and Nature Management, Physics and Technology.

It should be noted that on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Italy, the Italian Embassy in Kazakhstan has developed a development program "Together by 2050".  This program will be implemented in three areas as cooperation, innovation and education.

Rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebaev expressed the readiness of KazNU to support the initiatives of the Italian diplomatic mission in Kazakhstan in the field of higher education, science and technology.

During the talks the participants exchanged views, discussed a number of issues on further development of mutual cooperation. In turn, the rector of Naples L'Orientale University Roberto Tottoli expressed his gratitude to the leadership of KazNU for a warm welcome, and also told about the current activities and plans of L'Orientale University, which was founded in 1732.

At the end of the visit the Italian delegation got acquainted with the work of the Center for Situational Management, Al-Farabi Library and visited the humanities faculties of KazNU.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 

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