Master's students visited a uranium deposit

6 october, 2023

Under the SDG targets "Promote sustainable industrialization and substantially increase industrial employment and the share of industrial production in gross domestic product in line with national circumstances by 2030.

Double the corresponding indicators in the least developed countries" before the new academic year 2023-24 teachers of the department of physical chemistry, catalysis and petrochemistry Alisheva J.N., Igembaev I.B., as well as a group of undergraduates of Al-Farabi KazNU visited the Moiynkum uranium deposit of "Kazakhstan-French Joint Venture "KATCO" LLP, which is the world's largest uranium mining company by in-situ well leaching method, as well as an example of successful international cooperation between France and Kazakhstan. The Company produces approximately 7% of the world's annual uranium production using a less carbon-intensive mining method. "KATCO was established in 1996 to develop the Moyinkum deposit in the Turkestan region of Kazakhstan. The company applies the international experience and professional expertise of the founders of the joint venture, Orano and Kazatomprom, to develop its uranium mining activities.

The trip was organized to familiarize master's students and teachers with the peculiarities of uranium mining in Kazakhstan, as well as with the possibilities of applying the acquired knowledge in the future. During the visit, master's students learned about how the company uses modern technologies and methods for mining and how this helps it to achieve high results. They also met the company's employees who shared their experience and knowledge in the field of geology. In addition, the master's students visited drilling operations that are carried out at the company's proving ground. They saw how the drilling process takes place and what tools are used for it. They also learned about what problems may arise during drilling and how they are solved by the company's specialists.

Specialist S. Myrzakhanuly showed the work of the processing plant. During the trip the participants were familiarized with the technology of ore mining and processing, as well as discussed the problems and prospects of development of the industry. The next day, Bolat Yerlibek, Director of Geology and Information Collection Department, and Baglan Kuanyshbaev, assistant, gave a presentation on "Explanation of the basic principles of exploration, introduction of employees, familiarization with the peculiarities of geology in the region, calculation of reserves". Master students also asked a lot of questions that related to various aspects of geology and exploration.

After that there was a three-hour presentation on "Used GIS in mining and exploration of uranium deposits", with specialists of information collection department Aliyev S. and Zhumashuly Yerzhan. There was also a presentation on "3 d modeling" by specialist Abdrakhmanov A. Master students were very interested in this presentation and asked a lot of questions. They learned about what GIS programs are used in mining and exploration of uranium deposits and how they help in data collection, processing and analysis, including how to get a job in the company. Students also learned how modeling geological structures helps predict optimal solutions to uranium mining and exploration challenges. In addition, the students had hands-on training in analyzing uranium ore samples, which allowed them to deepen their knowledge of chemistry and geology.

The majors took a course in geology and geologic exploration. They learned the basic principles of geology, exploration techniques and the characteristics of geology in different regions. The masters met the staff of the Department of Geology and Information Gathering and visited the field site where drilling operations are carried out. During the visit, the master's students were given presentations on various topics related to geology and exploration. The master students asked many questions and actively participated in the discussions. After the workshop, they received certificates of participation.

The director of the Department of Geology and Information Gathering made a presentation on "Explanation of the basic principles of geological exploration works", the assistant Kuanyshev Baglan introduced the staff and familiarized them with the peculiarities of geology of the region. Master students also took part in the presentation "Modern methods of data processing and analysis", where they learned about new technologies and software that are used in geology for processing and analysis of geological data. After lunch, master's students and specialists of the company continued their acquaintance with the work of core storage facilities and principles of sampling for chemical analysis. Specialists Pachchakhanov B. and Idirisov A. demonstrated the principle of operation of core storage, and also told about the methods of chemical analysis, such as XRF and TerraSpec.

Then master students listened to presentations on "Role and necessity of hydrogeology in PSV" by Khaibullin R. and "Processing of geological data" by Amrenova Z., about the works on input of the obtained data at the site and in the laboratory, acquaintance with 2D/3D deposit, and GIS specialist Aliyev S. told about 3D modeling and application of GIS in uranium mining and work in the company. During the final meeting of our trip there was a meeting with GeEnergies alumni and a presentation in the format of "Questions - Answers". Graduates were interested in employment, requirements for job candidates.

In turn, university professors made a mini presentation on how to enter the educational programs "7M07201 - Oil and Gas Engineering" and "7M07202 - Oil and Gas Engineering (double-diploma, University of Lorraine)" in Al-Farabi KazNU. During the final meeting, master's students asked many questions about employment, requirements for candidates and career opportunities at GeEnergies. University professors also gave a mini-presentation on admission to the educational programs "7M07201 Oil and Gas Engineering" and "7M07202 Oil and Gas Engineering (double-diploma, University of Lorraine)", which offer great opportunities for professional development and career growth.

 After completion of the internship, Yerlibek Bolat, Director of Geology, presented the master students with certificates of completion of the internship, as well as souvenir media from the company. Yerlibek Bolat expressed his gratitude to the master students for their participation in the internship and emphasized the importance of such programs. At the end of the trip, the participants expressed their gratitude to the organizers for the opportunity to participate in such an interesting and informative event.


acting assistant professor of the department

physical chemistry,

catalysis and petrochemistry



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