SDG 4. An open curatorial hour held as part of the "Language Week of the People of Kazakhstan".

12 september, 2023

An open curatorial hour was held with the 1st-year students of the computer science group as part of the "Language Week of the People of Kazakhstan" within the framework of civic-patriotic education.

The main goal of the open hour is to teach students to respect their mother tongue, to value it as a national language, and to serve in such a way as to raise it to the status of a senior language in their homeland; Calling the young generation to understand the value of the mother tongue. Increase their love for their people, respect for their language; It was to awaken the desire to learn the mother tongue in depth, to contribute to the wide spread of the mother tongue, and to educate them to be proud.

The curatorial hour was held in the library named after Al-Farabi. There, students not only shared their thoughts, but librarians read and introduced the opinions of poets and writers about our language, and had a small exchange of ideas.

At the same time, a report was made about the work being done in the state about our mother tongue.

In the project "Thirdness of languages": "Kazakhstan should be recognized all over the world as a highly educated country whose people use and should use three languages. Kazakh language is the state language of our people, Russian language is the language of international relations, and English is the key to the country's success in the global economy." language of integration". President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.K. Tokaev.