A clean-up day was held in KazNU

7 october, 2023

A university-wide clean-up day was held at Al-Farabi KazNU. It was attended by the management of KazNU, students and teachers of 16 faculties and staff of the university.

The campus beautification event at the university has become a tradition and is aimed at maintaining order and cleanliness on campus. The participants of the clean-up day cleaned the university territory, including lawns and parks from fallen leaves, and beautified flowerbeds.

One of the participants of the subbotnik, a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of KazNU Manshuk Orysbaeva noted that the subbotnik is an opportunity not only to clean up the campus, but also to unite students, faculty and staff. "Everyone is working, socializing and spending time outside of classes. Such events bring people together and help build relationships, create a team spirit and instill a sense of belonging to the university community," said student M. Orysbaeva.

It should be noted that the subbotnik is an example for other students and stimulates their active participation in the social life of the university.


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