SDG 4. "Ending Hunger". Оn October 1, the curator of the ISS-20-01 group Ilesova B.E. and students, together with the leading specialist of the Department of Information Systems A.S. Bekkozhaeva made one family happy.

1 october, 2023

Charity is an expression of goodness. This is love and support that is given to those who need help. You don't have to be very rich to donate. The most important thing is that you have a good heart and pure intention. In any difficult situation, a person can seek help in different directions. Some of them smile, comforting those who are sad, while others reach out and help in difficult times. Today, the number of generous people who support such good deeds, various events and projects and make charity the goal of their lives is increasing every year. On this occasion, on October 1, the curator of the AKZ-20-01 group Ilesova B.E. and students, together with the leading specialist of the Department of Information Systems A.S. Bekkozhaeva made one family happy.
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