29 september, 2023


On September 9, 2023,  at  Faculty of Philology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,  the Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature organized Republican Scientific and Practical Conference  on the topic: "The origins of Turkic literature: research problems and teaching methods" devoted to the 50th anniversary of Sarbasov Bolatkhan Sergazievich, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, who was recognized   the "Best Teacher of the University of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and  became the holder of    Y. Altynsarin medal  for special merits in the field of education and  "Kazakhstan Republikasyn Enbek Ozaty" badge. The conference had two formats: online and offline.

 Omirkhan Abdimanovich, Doctor of Philology, Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University  moderated the conference.

 The conference participants discussed the following problems: Current problems of literary studies and Turkology; History of Kazakh literature and directions of its development; Folklore studies in Kazakhstan: past, present and  future; Written literary heritage of the ancient Turkic era; Methods of teaching Kazakh language and literature at  schools.

 The head of the Department of Kazakh Literature and Literary Theory, Doctor of Philology, Professor Alua Berikbayevna Temirbolat and  Rector Tuimebayev, Chairman of the Board of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University opened the conference having congratulated the hero of the event .

The plenary secession was full of interesting reports.    Nurdaulet Akysh, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Chief Researcher of the M. O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art made a report on the topic  "Historical foundations of the Oguz-name epic".  Gulzhakhan Orda, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Chief Researcher of the M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art told about  "Kazakh Literature in Antiquity" .  Pakistakizat Auesbaeva, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, senior research assistant of  M. O. Auezov  Institute of Literature and Art  made the report on the topic:  "Oguz-name" monument of the book epic".  Konyrbaeva Sarash Sakhievna,  Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of  Al-Farabi Kazakh National University talked about  "National Educational Values".  Yusup Farhat, senior lecturer of the Department of Kazakh Literature of  Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University made a report on the topic: «Azamat, friend, teacher".  Mukhtarov Amangali Hamidollauly, a leading researcher of  the National Institute of Harmonious Human Development, Candidate of Philological Sciences, made informative report devoted to  "Folklore and book character of "Oguz-name". The conference was ended by "Alymdy Galym" poem recited by   Yerkhan Karbozov, Candidate of Philological Sciences, senior lecturer of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The conference program also consisted of online reports and congratulations. In particular, Kartayeva Aizhan Maratbekovna, Professor of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, Doctor of Philology, Director of  Abai Institute, Daurenbekova Laura, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of A. Kusainov Eurasian Institute, and teacher of Kazakh language and literature of Kokzhotinsky Secondary School of Samara district of East Kazakhstan region Sarbasova Indira Sergazievna congratulated the hero of the  event dedicating him their poems.

In addition, special representatives from several universities and schools, gymnasiums of Almaty came to congratulate the hero of the  event.  Matyzhanov Kenzhehan Dalyamzhanovich, Doctor of Philology, Professor,  Director of  M.O. Auezov  Institute of Literature and Art, Tanzharykova Alua Vasilyevna, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Director of the Institute of Philology of Abai KazNPU, Yusup Farhat from  Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, Ospanbek Bulbul Rasbekovna, school director of gymnasium No. 15 of Almaly district, Kassymova Aizhan Toybekovna,  school director of school No. 211 of Turksib district,   Aldigazy Rufinat,  from school No. 108 of  Zhetysu district, Sarbagysov Askar Temirkhanovich  principle  of G. Musrepov school No. 86 of Auezovsky district presented greeting cards to the hero of the event.

At the end of the conference there was  the presentation of the two books written by prof. Sarbasov Bolatkhan Sergazievich. They are   "Kazakh literature in antiquity" (textbook) monograph issued by  "Kazakh University" publishing house  and "Oguz-name is  a monument of the book epic " book   issued by  "ONON" publishing house.  The conference honored guests Zeynel-Gabden Bisengali, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Aslan Zhaksylykov, Doctor of Philology, Professor and Nurdaulet Akysh, Doctor of Philology, Professor,  the chief researcher of  M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art were invited to the presentation.

In conclusion, I would like to thank the staff of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,  the  teaching staff  of the Faculty of Philology   and the Department of  Kazakh Literature and literary theory, as well as scholars  and colleagues who made presentations at the plenary session and  took part in "The Origins of Turkic Literature: research problems and teaching methods" Republican Scientific and Practical conference, dedicated to my anniversary. I wish you all creative success, success in your work  and  many joyful moments!




Жар болып, бір өзіңе Жаратқаным,

Жаныңа жалқаулықты жолатпадың,

Қырықтың қырқасынан қарғып өтіп,

Елуді еңсеруде Болатханым.


Дәрісте білгеніңді шын ұқтырып,

Шәкіртті шығарушы ең шынықтырып.

Орта ғасыр кезеңіне сапар шектің,

Көк бөріні мініп алып, күлік қылып.


Көп құлап, ғылым жолға азы шыдар,

Елеулі еңбегіңді ел, қазы сынар,

Түркіні түптеп берген бір өзіңе,

Оғыз бен Қорқыт бабаң разы шығар.


Жан болсаң да, тағдырдан сынақ алған,

Төбеңнен сәуле төгіп тұрады арман.

Озбайтын ар, әдептен болмысың бар,

Тозбайтын және артынан мұра қалған.


Өлеңнің әппақ таңы тойында атар,

Білімің көп мықтыны мойындатар.

Мағжанның маңғаздығы мінезіңде,

Сәкеннің сұлулығы бойында бар.


Ұлы едің Көкжотаның бақ дарыған,

Өзіңмен мен де бүгін мақтанамын.

Абайдың ақылымен алға басып,

Жамбылдың жасын берсін Хақ Тағалам!


29.09.2023 жыл.


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