On the 18th of September 2023 was held an enquirer hour in gr.LG20K-1 on the topic: "Familiarisation of students with the Academic Policy of the university in order to effectively organise the educational process aimed at improving the quality of education" within the framework of the 4th goal of the SDG.
Z.B. Akhmetova, Associate Professor K.M. Kamali, adviser- R.B. Sartova were present at the Adviser’s Hour.
The students were addressed by the head of the department Akhmetova Z.B., who informed that the purpose of the department "Business - technologies" is the formation of human resources for the domestic and Eurasian labour markets in accordance with their demands and prospects of development of the country and the region. The struggle for the quality of education is put forward as a leading task in the activities of the Department of "Business Technologies". Improving the quality of education is one of the main tasks, which includes training and education of students, is a system of indicators of knowledge, skills and abilities. To date, the indicator of the quality of training of students has been and remains the first and main in assessing the effectiveness of the department, the university.
Sartova R.B. has acquainted the students of the group with the sections of the Academic Policy of KazNU named after Al-Farabi. The priority direction of the department "Business - Technologies" of HSEiB in the field of education quality, based on the Academic Policy of the University, is the training of highly qualified personnel, specialists-logists, competitive in the labour market, restructuring of the model by integrating science, education and innovation, creating comfortable conditions for students, creating an atmosphere for self-development, self-improvement and self-realization.
Associate Professor Kamali K.M. quoted R Kipling: "Education is the greatest of earthly goods if it is of the highest quality. Otherwise it is utterly useless"
Based on the Academic Policy of the University, the aim of the department is to provide training of competitive specialists with sufficient knowledge, capable of assimilating new objects of knowledge in the field of logistics. The policy of quality assurance of education is an integral element of the strategy and the basis for planning of its educational activity, it is oriented on high quality of graduates. In this regard, the most important principles of the department's activity is to obtain quality knowledge of the students of the speciality "Logistics". The new paradigm of education is the introduction of new, more effective learning technologies, active and interactive teaching methods in accordance with modern technical achievements.