Scientific internship at University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Within the framework of the implementation of 11 for the purpose of sustainable development - sustainable cities and settlements from July 24, 2023 to August 1, 2023, a group of scientists from "Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi" in the person of Doctor of Economics, I.O. Professor, dean VSHEB Bimendieva L.A., Ph.D., associate professor, head of the "Business-Technology" department Z.B. Akhmetova, Ph.D., i.o. Professor Kozhamkulova J.T., doctor (PhD), deputy head of the "Business Technology" department for scientific and innovative activities and international relations Tovma N.A. and senior teacher Shurenova N.B. Visit the University of Technology Sydney, which occupies 90th place in the QS international ranking, in the city of Sydney, in Australia. This is one of the world's leading universities.
The purpose of the trip is to carry out research work within the framework of the program BR18574200 "Revival of single cities in the conditions of creation of New Kazakhstan on the basis of territorial marketing" and the development of international cooperation between higher School of Economics and Business of the KazNU named al-Farabi and the Business School of the University of Technology Sydney.
During the visit, a meeting was held with the Deputy Dean for International Activities of the Business School of the University of Technology Sydney Leonoy Tam and the Deputy Dean for Research and Innovation of the Business School of the University of Technology Sydney Kathy Walsh.
As part of the visit, the development of single cities in the cities of Australia and the Republic of Kazakhstan was discussed in the context of the program BR18574200 "Revival of single cities in the conditions of the creation of New Kazakhstan on the basis of territorial marketing".
The participants of the project made a presentation of the intermediate results of the project on the development of single cities.
The possibility of international cooperation between higher School of Economics and Business of the KazNU named al-Farabi and the Business School of the University of Technology Sydney, as well as prospects for future joint collaboration, were discussed.