5 october, 2023

On October 1, 2023, the team of the Department of Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University solemnly congratulated our scientists-teachers on the International Day of Older Persons. The long-term school of our teacher-scientists pass on all their experience for students. Our experienced teacher-scholars, who have dedicated their life experiences for the benefit of society, with in-depth knowledge, are a powerful source of prosperity, unity and noble education.

Today's treasures of our people have devoted their youth to the prosperity and development of our country. They laid the foundation of this society and worked hard to preserve our independence. To this day, our grandparents support young families, engage in moral education of the younger generation, calling for respect for language, religion and traditions. Therefore, we should not forget that these dear elders are at the forefront of all the benefits being realized in our country.

Chair of biodiversity and bioresources

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