KazNU students will have an opportunity to study in the USA

23 october, 2023

Chairman of the Board-Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev held a meeting with Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law for Master's Degree and International Programs of the University of Pennsylvania Stephen Barnes.

The parties considered new opportunities in realization of joint works in the sphere of higher education and science, also discussed other directions of cooperation.

During the meeting, the rector of the university told the guest of honor about the achievements and future plans of KazNU, noting that the educational institution is actively developing ties with universities in the United States.

"KazNU closely cooperates with 18 universities in the United States. Last year the university was visited by the President of the American Councils for International Education (ACCELS) Dr. Dan Davidson, who gave a leadership lecture. KazNU activates the work on the exchange of students and teachers on academic mobility with universities in the United States. I propose to open a research center and a branch on the basis of KazNU together with the University of Pennsylvania. We have great opportunities for this," - said the rector.

In turn, Stephen Barnes expressed his gratitude to the leadership of the university for a warm welcome and made a number of suggestions.

"In order to develop partnership, we invite KazNU students to the United States. That is, students who have completed the third year of undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Law, come to our university to study the 4th year. Thus, they study 3 years in KazNU, and one year in the USA. As a result, during these four years, he can get a diploma of KazNU on bachelor's degree and a diploma of the University of Pennsylvania on master's degree. In the future, we will train students of the Faculty of International Relations and Philology. Education of young people will be paid by the American side. Teachers working at the Faculty of Law also have the opportunity to spend a year of internship in the United States," said Stephen Barnes.

Also, the head of the project "Mamandyғym-Bolashagym" Samgat Samekbayev, who took part in the meeting, noted the high importance of this initiative and expressed confidence that this partnership will be mutually beneficial.

Press service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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