There was a creative competition between KazNU and Kolomna University

23 october, 2023

A creative competition took place between the students of the Philology Department of the State Social and Humanitarian University of Kolomna (Moscow Region) and the Journalism Department of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Cooperation between the two universities actively continues for sustainable development. As the organizers noted, this time the theme of the competition was dedicated to the works of poet Alexander Pushkin. Once again students answered questions about Pushkin's biography, about his lyceum years, about his lyceum friends, about the history of creation of certain works. As a result, the team of the Faculty of Journalism of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University won.

- We are glad to cooperate with the Faculty of Journalism of the leading higher education institution of Kazakhstan - KazNU named after Al-Farabi. These common activities unite our teams, show that philologists and journalists have a lot in common - they work with the word, - emphasized the Dean of the Faculty of Philology of the State Social and Humanitarian University (SSHU), Candidate of Physical Sciences, Associate Professor Tatyana Kapyrina.

- The Department of Press and Electronic Media has long been actively cooperating with the Faculty of Philology of the State University of Kolomna, our students publish in the collections "Comparativistics", every year we hold joint interesting and informative events, - said the Head of the Department of Press and Electronic Media Dr. Gulmira Sultanbaeva, Professor.

Also students of the theater club "Eidos" showed a skit: Alexander Pushkin and Vladimir Dahl in Uralsk, where the writer came to collect materials about the rebellion of Emelyan Pugachev. Pushkin visited many cities, in Uralsk he found witnesses of the Pugachev rebellion, whose stories and testimonies he used in two works "The History of the Pugachev Rebellion" and "Captain's Daughter".

Larisa NODA,
Lecturer of the Journalism Department of Al-Farabi KazNU