Scientists of KazNU and Iran realize joint scientific projects

26 october, 2023

Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebaev met with the delegation headed by the Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Almaty Mohsen Faghani, discussing areas of cooperation in the field of science and education.

In his welcoming speech the head of the university noted the importance of long-term cooperation with universities of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Within the framework of the program of attraction of foreign scientists to universities of Kazakhstan in KazNU three professors from universities of the Islamic Republic of Iran read lectures and provide scientific guidance to PhD students. At the moment 11 students from Iran are studying at the university.

Within the framework of the program of cultural exchange for 2022-2025 between the ministries of the two countries, the scientists of "Al-Farabi International Center" of the University are members of the working group, the work on translation and research of the manuscript of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi has begun. And also at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science are realized complex projects "Good man in the heritage of Al-Farabi and Turkish scholars: comparative discourse" and "Philosophy of language and philosophical language in the teachings of Abu Nasr al-Farabi".

"Recently KazNU hosted an international scientific-practical conference "Virtuous man in the heritage of Al-Farabi, virtuous society and modern ethics", which was attended by scientists from Iran led by Professor Gulamrez Avani of Shahid Bakhshti University, - emphasized Zhanseit Kanseitovich. - KazNU supports initiatives of joint scientific research and hopes for fruitful work of scientists from two countries".

In his response, Mohsen Faghani, Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Almaty, thanked for the hospitality and expressed interest in mutually beneficial cooperation. In particular, in the publication of a catalog of rare editions in Kazakh and Persian languages, the study of the manuscript of Abu Nasr al-Farabi, on which the specialists of the two countries, the staff of the Al-Farabi Center are working.

The meeting ended with a discussion on the development of further partnership and interaction within the framework of joint scientific and educational projects.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University