Teachers, employees of KazNU were explained housing programs

30 october, 2023

Parasat" trade union of employees of Al-Farabi KazNU held a meeting of university employees with representatives of Otbasa Bank. More than one hundred employees and teachers of KazNU were interested in this event. This is the fourth meeting with representatives of Otbasa Bank in 2023.

Bank manager Alfiya Akhmetova told about the work of the bank and programs such as "Bakytty otbasy", "Nurly zher", "Shanyrak" and "Own House".

Teachers and staff of KazNU asked many questions and received answers to them. 

Regularly organized by the trade union meetings with the bank employees proved to be effective. Trade union began to interact with the bank four years ago. Since then hundreds of employees have received counseling and assistance.  There are also those who have received housing under a special program. The trade union helps with paperwork and posts information about housing programs on social networks. Specialist E. Umbetzhanova is responsible for issues related to housing programs in the trade union committee.

Commission of trade union committee on social issues works. The purpose of the commission is to fulfill the statutory objectives of the trade union "Parasat" of employees of Al-Farabi KazNU in the field of socio-economic support of members of the trade union organization of employees.

The main areas of work of the commission include assistance in improving housing and living conditions of employees, registration of those in need of better housing conditions, counseling those wishing to purchase housing on commercial terms; participation in the preparation of documents on housing issues. Concluding the meeting the chairman of the trade union "Parasat" employees of Al-Farabi KazNU Talgat Mekyebaev especially noted that the work on informing employees about opportunities to solve their housing problems will be carried out constantly.


Deputy Chairman of the trade union "Parasat"

of employees of Al-Farabi KazNU