Took a tour of the University Museum

13 november, 2023

In the conditions of global changes, the problem of education quality remains relevant. Because the acquired knowledge is partially outdated before entering the labor market. On the Republic Day, the faculty of the Department of Business Technologies in the framework of the celebration of the fourth goal of sustainable development held a scientific and informational excursion in the museum of the Kazakh National University for graduates of KSU "specialized lyceum №178" of the Department of Education of Almaty. It was attended by Dr. of Economics, Associate Professor M. Beisenova, PhD, Associate Professor Z. Akhmetova and the head of the museum A. Zhabykpaeva, guide B. Kasymov.

The purpose of the event was to appeal to future specialists, in particular logisticians and marketing specialists, to preserve and respect the cultural and historical values of the university in the process of providing effective scientific and educational training. Young students should know the history of the country's development, especially the traditions of one of the fundamental educational institutions of Kazakhstan - Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The rich history of our university is demonstrated by more than 5000 historically valuable documents and rare museum exhibits. They are skillfully and artistically placed on the shelf. The area of the museum complex is 1000 square meters. The History Gallery, Hall of Fame, and the University Sustainability Hall are sure to please visitors to the museum. Graduates also got acquainted with the school of science, leading scientists engaged in research work in various fields of science.

The Higher School of Economics and Business is a center of fundamental education and science that trains qualified specialists in economic specialties at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels in the country. Our higher school operates dual and joint programs. We closely cooperate with Robert Schuman (Strasbourg School of Management), Amity (India). In Master's programs we cooperate with Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) and Novosibirsk State University (NSU), URFU (Ural Federal University), International School of Marketing in Lux (France), unirazak (Malaysia), Public Administration and PublicSecurity. We are proud that our graduates successfully work in the Ministry of Finance of RK, National Bank of RK, Treasury, top management of leading second-tier banks, investment and insurance funds, state and local governments, Entrepreneurs Support Fund "Damu", NPP "Atameken" and many other companies.

Kaznu makes a great contribution to the implementation of programs for the development of the state by providing quality education to the new generation and raising young people with a high patriotic spirit of the country. The University conducts various activities aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of sustainable development of the country among MEBP, students, getting a decent elite education to improve the quality of life and well-being, as well as sustainable economic development of Kazakhstan. This time the students of specialized lyceum №178 were satisfied with the fact that they visited the treasury, and with pleasure will come to the university to get higher education in the future.

Asel Uskelenova,

Senior Lecturer of the Business Technologies Department