KazNU discussed the prospects of "green universities"

14 november, 2023

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted the international conference "Green Universities. Cooperation between countries" with the participation of partner universities from Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, African countries, PRC.

The event was organized by: Interregional Environmental Public Organization "ECA" and Public Foundation for Support of Solutions for Sustainable Development "Karagach", with the support of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, All-Russian Program "Green Higher Education Institutions of Russia", Association of "Green Higher Education Institutions of Russia".

The participants were welcomed by Lazzat Erkinbayeva, Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. "Kazakhstan has signed more than 300 international treaties and agreements in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development goals. And now every university should make a contribution to the realization of the sustainability strategy, think about how to implement its environmental policy in education, develop mechanisms and algorithms for the correct understanding and implementation of the SDGs. In the past, sustainable development was a concept of planetary significance, but now it is the reality that we should go to for the benefit of present and future generations", - noted the Vice-Rector.

Nurzada Beisen, Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, also spoke at the meeting. In her welcoming speech she stressed the relevance of the conference: "The purpose of the event is to share international experience of higher educational organizations in the field of environmental education, formation of environmental culture and introduction of "green" administration, consolidation of efforts of different countries in this direction. I wish all participants fruitful work".

Ekaterina Bakeyeva, coordinator of the Green Higher Education Institutions of Russia program, noted in her speech: "This event is not only a platform for international exchange of experience among different universities, but it is also a consolidation of efforts. Together with representatives of university administrations we want to identify the strengths and potential growth points of educational organizations in the field of environmental policy".

During the conference, the creation of the International Association of "green" universities was announced.

Thus, at the event, representatives of universities discussed plans to develop a green agenda in their educational organizations, outlined specific actions and possible steps for cooperation, formation of environmental culture in universities, building a green economy and achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University