"Amazing Teacher"

13 november, 2023

On November 13, 2023, Kasteev Museum hosted an educational event on the topic "Amazing Teacher" dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian teacher, K.D. Ushinsky. The event was organized by the Russian House in Almaty. The  lecturers  of the Department of Russian Philology and World Literature of al-Farabi KazNU,  Tattimbetov Zh.O., Sayakhmet S.S. took part in the event.

At the beginning of the event,  the guests from Russia, from an organization for the development of social activity and social communications made a speech. They told about t K.D. Ushinsky’ life path and his contribution to the education of the Russian people. The speakers also mentioned about the contribution of teachers and educators of the Kazakh people like Ybyrai Altynsarin and Akhmet Baytursynov.

After the reports, as an indicator of the hospitality of the Russian people, the guests were  treated  with tea. The organizers showed how to properly drink tea from a samovar. Folk Russian songs and dances were performed, and paintings by talented Russian artists were also demonstrated.