The International scientific and practical conference of memory "Actual problems of archeology, ethnology and museology of Eurasia at the present stage: new discoveries and results", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the famous scientist-teacher, archaeologist-ethnographer Abdesh Toleubayev

15 november, 2023

The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the famous scientist-teacher, archaeologist, ethnographer Abdesh Toleubayev on the topic: "Current problems of modern archeology, ethnology and museology of Eurasia: new concepts and results".
The conference was attended by well-known scientists and academics, historians, ethnologists, archaeologists, museologists, representatives of state and public organizations, experts, students and relatives of Abdesh Toleubayev.
Opening the event, Vice-Rector for Social Development of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Sabit Suatay noted that today's conference is dedicated to the life and scientific activities of Professor Abdesh Toleubayev.
Akim of the East Kazakhstan region, graduate of the Faculty of History Ermek Kosherbayev, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Bibiziya Kalshabayeva also spoke at the conference, who told about the life and work of Abdesh Toleubayev, his contribution to science and education.
Abdesh Toleubaev organized expeditions and scientific trips to Orenburg, Astrakhan, Omsk regions and Altai Krai from the 80-90s. He discovered more than 500 previously unknown archaeological complexes and monuments of the Bronze and Iron Age on the territory of Tarbagatai, Kalba, Chingistau. It is possible to note the special contribution of A.Toleubayev to science in recent years – the work on the restoration of the Shilikta "Golden Man". He is also one of the first researchers of the Kazakh diaspora abroad.
As a result, the golden decoration, called "the image of the leopard", became the badge of the Kazakhstan Academy of Arts. "Shilikta deer" – approved by the logo of the Congress of Historians of Kazakhstan. The Shiliktinsky "Golden Man" was exhibited in London, Moscow, Kazan.
Abdesh Toleubayev's books "Orenburg Kazakhs", "Archeology of Kazakhstan", "Treasures of steppe leaders", "Kazakh customs and traditions" were included in a large scientific circulation. The well-known scientist, archaeologist-ethnologist has written more than 30 monographs and textbooks, more than 400 scientific articles.
For his considerable work, he received recognition in the international scientific community. He was awarded such awards as the Order of "Kurmet", the medal "For Valiant Labor". He is also a laureate of the Shokan Ualikhanov Prize, an academician of the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
During the conference, the participants discussed essays by Abdesh Toleubayev, scientific research of the scientist, current problems of ancient and medieval archeology, ethnic history and ethnocultural processes, field materials of archaeological and ethnographic expeditions, methods of studying, preserving and museumifying historical and cultural heritage. The book "Gibratty gumyr" was also presented and a documentary film was shown that tells about the life and work of Abdesh Toleubayev.