Round table on the topic "SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being"

20 november, 2023

On November 20, 2023, 2nd-year master students of the specialty International Relations, Dina Amanbayeva and Abek Malika, under the guidance of Laura Tanirbergenovna Isova, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Docent of the Department of International Relations and World Economy and Candidate of Historical Sciences, senior lecturer Almagul Tleuovna Kulbaeva, successfully held a round table on the topic "SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being".

Within the framework of the round table, undergraduates presented their reports, an informative presentation was held, visualizing the key aspects of SDG 3 and showing ways to achieve the goals. The participants developed concrete proposals and initiatives that will be considered in the context of further steps in the framework of the implementation of the 3 SDG Goals.