Legal aspects of environmental safety were discussed in KazNU

24 november, 2023

The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held an international scientific-practical conference on the theme: "Legal problems of ensuring environmental safety in the transition to sustainable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the honored figure, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law, Professor Abduali Erenovich Erenov. The event is timed to the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi KazNU.

The conference was held in a hybrid format, it was attended by: leading scientists of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, representatives of government agencies of Kazakhstan, international and national experts, representatives of civil society, human rights organizations, teachers and students of universities, representatives of the media.

The event was opened with a welcoming speech by a member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Doctor of Law, Professor Lyazzat Erkinbaeva. The Vice-Rector noted that Abduali Erenov - is a participant of the Second World War, in 1949 entered the postgraduate course of the Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, defended his candidate and doctoral dissertations, in 1965 received the title of professor. In 1967 he was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. In many years A. Erenov was a member of the dissertation council, trained many outstanding scientists, professors, who today work in different countries.

The plenary session was also addressed by: a member of the Scientific Advisory Council under the Constitutional Court of the RK, Doctor of Law, Professor Igor Rogov, Director of the Research Institute of Private Law of Caspian University, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the RK, Doctor of Law, Professor Maidan Suleimenov.

The speakers noted the great contribution of academician Abduali Erenov to the development of land law in Kazakhstan. "Abduali Erenovich all his scientific way devoted to the study of land relations. Many innovations in the legislation of Kazakhstan on land were based on his works. With Abduali Yerenovich I worked all my conscious life in science until his death. He worked all his life on one place - in the Academy of Sciences of RK. Academician A. Erenov and his students practically from scratch created land law and legislation of first Soviet and then independent Kazakhstan", - said Academician Maidan Suleimenov.

During the conference scientists discussed topical theoretical and practical problems of land and environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, rational use of natural resources in the transition to sustainable development.

The issues concerning the formation of a system of sustainable subsoil use - as a priority of the economic policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, digitalization of natural resources accounting and monitoring of their condition and the problems of improving the current environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan were also considered.

This conference was held within the framework of realization of the UN Sustainable Development Goals aimed at building a peaceful, open and democratic society, in the interests of its sustainable development.

The conference was organized by: the Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law of the Faculty of Law of KazNU.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University