Central Asia Sustainable Finance Market
The Department of Finance and Accounting of the Higher School of Economics and Business is implementing the AP19679105 project "Transformation of ESG financial instruments in the context of the development of the "green" economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan" within the framework of grant financing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2023-2025).
According to the plan, to collaborate within the framework of the concluded agreement, the Project members began working together with the Center for Green Finance of the Astana International Financial Center (AIFC) (https://aifc.kz/) , where issues of green financing, ESG financial instruments necessary for the sustainable development goals of the Republic of Kazakhstan and prospects for the development of sustainable, including green financing in the countries of Central Asia and Kazakhstan are studied. A research group with the AIFC Center for Green Finance is working on the report "The Market for Sustainable Financing in Central Asia," which examines the tools and financing mechanisms to achieve SDG 7, SDG 8, SDG 13, and SDG 17.
This collaboration continues, and the topic under study shows how vital the instruments of sustainability, including green financing, are for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.