Presentation monograph "Temirkazyk. Kazakh jerindegi islam dininin otkeni men bugini"

3 october, 2023


On October 3, in the library of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, the book "Temir Kazyk" was written by authors such as Azamat Jamashev, Ernar Majen, Dorbethan Jomart. The presentation of the monograph "Kazakh jerindegi islam dininin otkeni men bugini" was held. 

In addition to specialists in religious studies and history, teachers and graduate students of various universities took part in the next meeting.

The dean of the Faculty of "Philosophy and Political Science" of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Bekzhan Meirbaev, who began the preface, expressed special thanks to the authors and noted that humanitarian studies such as Islamic studies have a great future. Analyzing the content of the book, he wished that writers would write a book every year.

Book reviewers - Academicians of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Garifolla Esim and Bolat Komekov could not come to the meeting for some reason, so they expressed their opinions online and wished success to the writers. Garifolla Esim said that the book should be in every library and described the work "Temirkazyk" as "a book that lives up to its title".

In this regard, if we focus on the purpose of the book, the work describes the situation of the Kazakh steppe from the period of the spread of Islam to the 20th century. The maps given after each section help to understand the religious, social and political situation of the states of that period.

After that, the head of the department of history, professor Bereket Karibaev said that the book was not an easy task to be written in one year, and wished that it would be an iron peg that would not lead astray. Criticizing the methodology of historical data, he expressed a positive attitude towards the use of rare books. Claiming that the language of the book is clear, he said that the next part should be published.

The famous writer - Zhumabai Shashtayuly looked at the introduction of the book and talked about the religious situation in the country. He promoted the widespread writing of information about the psychology of Kazakhs in accepting religion in such books.

The moderator of the meeting, the head of the "Religion and culture studies" department, professor Ainur Durbelengovna, focused on the features of the book during the conference. Among them, he noted that the data were taken from archives and materials that have not yet entered scientific circulation. This is because the work is represented by large-scale research works, works of famous historians, research scientists, and translation of foreign literature.

The third reviewer of the monograph, candidate of philological sciences Rashid Mukhitdinov, rated it as "a great work with religious analysis of historical events". Regarding the stated criticisms: "If most of the previous historical works refer to the sources based on the Eurocentric point of view, the authors of this work gave their own theological expertise using works written in many languages." Actually, during the writing of the monograph, 562 literatures were used, mainly in Kazakh, Russian, English, Turkish, and Arabic languages.

Bekzhan Meirbaev, dean of the Faculty of "Philosophy and Political Science" and writer - Zhumabay Shashtayuly, solemnly presented the book as the logical end of the meeting.

In conclusion, it is clear that the book "Temirkazyk", which covers the acceptance of Islam by the Turks, the first Turkic sahaba, Karakhan, Islam during the Golden Horde and other relevant topics, will not leave any researcher and reader indifferent.