Meeting with Mr. Adel Khani, Head of the Department for Supervision of Cultural Representations of Iran in all Asian countries

10 july, 2023

Meeting at the Al-Farabi International Center with the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Meirbayev Bekzhan Berikbayev and the head of the Department for Supervision of Cultural Representations of Iran in all Asian countries, Mr. Adel Khani.

The meeting was attended by the head of the Iranian Cultural representation in Almaty, Mr. Aghazade, Head of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies Kurmanalieva Aynur Panikovna, Head of the Department of Middle East and South Asia Kokeeva Dariga Moldagalovna and employees of the Iranian Cultural Representation and the Al-Farabi International Center.

The event began at the Al-Farabi Museum, the center's specialist Oserbayev Eldos acquainted the guests with the heritage of our ancestor and the breath of the center's work, and also aroused great interest from the guests in studying and promoting the legacy of Al-Farabi.

Later, the meeting continued at the Al-Farabi Center, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science Meirbayev Bekzhan Berikbayevich noted the importance of this meeting and its role in the development of scientific and cultural ties between the states of Kazakhstan and Iran. He spoke about the achievements of the center's work and plans for the future. For the first time, Mr. Dr. Adelkhani, Head of the department in charge of Iranian cultural representations in all Asian countries, received the floor from the guests. He stressed the importance of Al-Farabi's personality and scientific heritage for Iran, which was also discussed at the meeting of the presidents of the two states. In this regard, they expressed their willingness to communicate, as well as to joint scientific conferences and events.

In turn, the head of the Iranian cultural representative office in Almaty, Mr. Aghazade, considering the importance of joint study of Al-Farabi's works, in one of the upcoming autumn months asked to hold an international round table on this topic, in turn, to provide direct assistance in inviting scientists from Iran. In addition, the state institution "Book Publishing Control" in Iran has also shown interest in this topic.

In this regard, Head of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies Kurmanalieva Ainur Panikovna, expressing a desire to fully familiarize herself with the work of this institution, called for joint participation in research on Islam in Central Asia, Kazakhstan and the Middle East. On the part of the guests, Mr. Aghazade expressed Dr. Avani's interest and expressed readiness for joint projects.