The Road to Success Begins at Al-Farabi University!!!

28 november, 2023

It's never too early to think about how to become successful. Success is an important consideration for many people, and it's essential to begin thinking about it early, just from the school years. This idea was reinforced during a recent English lesson in which students of specialized group 101 at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology shared their thoughts on success stories. Firstly, we reviewed accounts of successful individuals' practices and discussed their ability to attain significant accomplishments by defining their own criteria for success. We read stories about the habits of successful people and talked about how successful people achieve great things by defining their own terms for success. In this article by highlighting the opinions of these students, we hope to inspire others to embark on their own paths to success, starting at Al-Farabi University.



 I think I’m a successful person! My most favorite subject at school was Chemistry and I was lucky to participate  in city Olympiads for three years running and received first and second places. Now I am a happy student at al-Farabi University. I consider myself as  a pride of my parents and my environment. In the future, I will study and work with my sleeves rolled up to become a sought-after specialist in my field.



I consider myself to be a fairly successful person and recently I was wondering why that is. First of all, I am a student at a prestigious university, I study on a scholarship, I work and support myself. I believe the real reason for my success is that I always set goals that are beyond my capabilities. This is the only way to push yourself to grow. Every time I do this, at first I feel really bad, I'm tired and it's very hard for me, but with time I get used to it and find ways to cope with it. In the end, I always achieve my goal one way or another. So I consider myself a successful person and I think I will be even more successful in the future.



 I am,  definitely, a  successful person!  I’ m a happy student  at al-Farabi University, which is  a  highly regarded  educational Institution in  Central Asia. I was lucky to  win a state scholarship to study chemistry.  My university cooperates with a lot of other universities,  students from various countries study here. We have  a spacious beautiful campus, a big Library,  every faculty has it's own building. I’m enrolled in an English group. We attend all lectures in English. I believe that my English proficiency will help me to advance  my knowledge in Chemistry in at   renowned  Universities abroad.



 I am 17 years old and I study at Al Farabi Kazakhstan National University. I am happy to join a big community of  al-Farabi university students. I have been studying here for two  months  now, I ‘m majoring in Chemistry and Chemical Technology. The University is an opportunity for me to realize myself and reveal my abilities to the fullest.


Department of foreign languages


monitor of group101, 

Faculty of  Chemistry and Chemical Technology