The monograph of KazNU scientists was published in England

29 november, 2023

The international book publishing house Cambridge Scholars Publishing published a monograph Intellectual Capital as the Basis of Societal Development in Kazakhstan, the authors of which are teachers of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi G.Sultanbaeva O.Lojnikova, A.Golovchun, E.Sultanbaeva.

Full-scale research of intellectual capital in Kazakhstan, conducted at the Department of Press and Electronic Media of Al-Farabi KazNU under the guidance of Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Gulmira Sultanbayeva, interested the publishing house, and the authors received an offer to conclude a contract for free publication of the monograph in English. Scientific research continued for more than two years.

Cambridge Scholars Publishing publishes the results of scientific research in the field of health, life, and social problems. The publisher was founded in 2001 and is based in the historic Lady Stephenson Library in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, with offices in Berlin (Germany), Barcelona (Spain) and Beijing (China).

The study examines in detail information and communication processes in the formation of an intellectual nation and technologies aimed at strengthening and improving the intellectual potential of Kazakhstan in the information society. The implementation of effective policy directed from the process of formation of intellectual nation to intellectual potential - the priority of science development in Kazakhstan is analyzed.

The monograph is addressed to researchers in the field of socio-humanitarian and socio-political sciences, students, masters and postgraduates, as well as all those who are interested in the problems of social development.

You can familiarize yourself with the publication by following the link:

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh University