13 The UN Sustainable Development Goal. Taking urgent measures to combat climate change and its consequences

10 november, 2023

Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry, Catalysis and Petrochemistry Sassykova L.R. organized an event: a meeting-discussion in a playful way, dedicated to the discussion of the 13th UN SDGs. Among the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the 13th goal, “Taking urgent measures to combat climate change and its consequences”, deserves special attention both for the whole world and for the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the analysis of scientists, the climate of Kazakhstan is getting hotter: thus, the average annual temperature on the territory of the republic in 1991-2020 increased by 0.9 °C compared to the period 1961-1990. Due to climate changes, days with abnormal heat have become more frequent in the republic. Climate change around the world has led to an increase in ocean temperatures, an increase in ice melting, a large-scale spread of the phenomena of shortage and/or scarcity of water resources, food, disturbance of the natural habitat of animals and plants and various natural disasters. The 1st year master’s degree students (specialty “Petrochemistry”) and bachelors of the 2nd year (group CHR 201 R) took an active part. The program of the meeting included presentations and speeches of students in English, a discussion (question-answer-justification), offline and online games, an exhibition of drawings.