The students of the Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature met Aslan Zhaksylykov, the famous writer.

27 november, 2023

On November 27, 2023, the  4th-year students of  "Kazakh Philology" major  met  Aslan Zhaksylykov,  a writer,  a literary critic,  a prize-winner of the Booker Literary Competition. The meeting was organized by the senior lecturer of the Department of Kazakh Literature and Literary Theory, Sh.A. Shortanbai. The students asked questions to the guest. The meeting also included   the discussion of the writer’s works.  Some important problems in the context of postmodern trends in Kazakh literature were also touched upon. In particular, the main focus was made on  the writer's novels, such as "Dreams of the Damned", "House of the Meerkat", and on  the author's work in a free format. At the end of the meeting, the writer shared his plans for the upcoming period and said  that the final part of the cyclical work is being  written now.