Ecological Saturday "Nature without plastic"

6 december, 2023

Recently, the Sustainable Development Goals have been increasingly talked about in the country and their importance in society has been discussed. Sustainable development has 17 goals. Its 15th goal is the preservation of terrestrial ecosystems. Protecting the ecosystem and restoring it is a big challenge. Many efforts are being made under these Sustainable Development Goals.

Thus, society needs to make efforts to promote the proper use of the environment, to optimize the use of forests, to combat desertification, to stop and reverse the process of land degradation, to stop the process of biodiversity loss. This means cleaning the environment from waste, recycling waste, reducing or eliminating the consumption of substances made from materials that do not decompose in the soil, in short, reducing or completely preventing the impact of all anthropogenic factors that interfere with the fauna and flora of the environment and the survival of humanity. Therefore, an important contribution to the fulfillment of this goal is that each person, caring for the environment and not throwing away harmful waste, takes it to special recycling sites.

In this regard, in order to explain the Sustainable Development Goals to the students and environmental education of 2nd year students of the faculties of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Medicine and Public Health in Butakovka tract was organized an environmental subbotnik. During the subbotnik we told the students about the chemical composition and properties of plastic containers, their harm to the environment and human health. Plastic containers, various products do not decompose in the soil, fill the surface of the Earth with solid waste, which leads to soil erosion. This is a huge disaster for the ecosystem. Therefore, one of the objectives of the event was to reduce the consumption of plastic items by the students through the slogan No plastic in nature, i.e. "Nature without plastic", and explaining how in every consumption one should think consciously and replace plastic containers with vessels made of other material. Also at the environmental cleanup, students collected trash and solid waste from Butakova Gorge and threw them in the trash cans. Another problem worth noting is that in the microdistrict" Muztau" neighborhood did not have special containers for garbage. Nevertheless, we hope that this issue will be resolved in the future.

Gulsara Akanova,

Lecturer of the Department of Fundamental Medicine

Akmaral Ismailova,

Senior Lecturer, Department of Analytical, Colloidal Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements