SDG 4. The festive event "Eternal Dawn of Independence"
On December 4, a festive evening "Tauelsizdik tany mangilik" was held with the participation of 4th year students enrolled in the educational program "Standardization and Certification". Before Alatau, our ancestors, who inhabited a vast Land, dreamed of independence. Many Buzdaks went to the death penalty to fulfill the blessing of our ancestors, who defended this vast steppe with the tip of a blue spear, the power of a catfish forearm. Now it is a great day for the Kazakh people, and a sad and
happy day. Now that's who participated in the December uprising
to our brothers and sisters for almost three centuries
, he achieved the independence he dreamed of.
The meeting continued with reflections on the victim of independence, Kairat Ryskulbekov, and ended with answers to students' questions from undergraduates. The festive meeting was of great educational importance. The festive evening was held by teachers of the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics Zulbukharova E. M., Kuykabayeva A. A. and undergraduates of the department Kulintaeva A. E., Kyrykbai E. M.