The student Olympiad was held in the subject “Entrepreneurship”
On December 7, 2023, the Department of Economics of the Higher School of Economics and Business held a student Olympiad in the subject “Entrepreneurship” among students of the educational program 6B05402-Mathematics.
The purpose of the Olympiad is to reveal the creative abilities of students, select and support talented and gifted students; support the formation of students' intellectual potential; teach students business skills, develop an understanding of the economic laws of our society, provide economic education, developing interest in scientific activities. The goal of the Olympiad fully ensures the implementation of SDG 4.
Olympiad results:
1st place – team “King Arthur” – Dosbolatova Maya, Kalmakhanbet Nursultan, Omarova Aisulu.
2nd place – team “With glasses” – Isabek Zhansaya, Dosmahanbet Sabina, Alibekov Akylbek.
3rd place – team “Tesla” – Amangeldi Ayan, Kalelova Nursaule, Sergey Akbayan.
The head of the Department of Economics, Daulieva Galiya Rakhmetovna, awarded the laureates with diplomas and prizes.
Organizing committee: Daulieva G.R., Ilyashova G.K., Andabayeva G.K., Tabeev T.P., Nurmanova B.Z.