IEEE "Women in Engineering" workshop on "Sustainable Development Goals-5 (gender equality)" was organized

29 november, 2023

Management leaders of the IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group of Kazakhstan: group advisor, Associate Professor of Nazarbayev University Gulsim Kulsharova, Head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Madina Mansurova and Deputy Head of the Department Sarsembaeva Talshin on November 29 Kazakhstan on "Sustainable Development Goals-5 (gender equality)" IEEE organized a workshop "Women in Engineering" on the issues and future of the women's community in the field of engineering.

It was a great opportunity to discuss the development prospects and challenges of women in the field of engineering in Kazakhstan. The goal was to share experiences, ideas, and strategies to support women in STEM fields. The workshop was opened by Jamila Aitzhanova, a member of the board of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi - vice-rector for scientific and innovative activities. And Mariza Tsakalerou (associate professor of Nazarbayev University), Pakizar Shamoi (professor of the Kazakh-British Technical University), Zarina Zhapparova (director of the Eurasian Bank Department), Almira Kustubaeva (professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, head of the department of biophysics, biomedicine and neuroscience) Our speakers gave presentations and shared their experiences.