Visit to the Gabit Musrepov Theater

9 december, 2023

In order to achieve sustainable development, "Sustainable cities and settlements", on November 18, 2023, 1st year students of the specialty "Public Health" with the curator-adviser G.A. Arynova visited the Gabit Musrepov Theater, where they watched the play "Toy kop uy". This performance touches on various family problems, family life itself and respect for parents. As well as such topical topics in society as the relationship of young people and the problem of love for a child. The performance prompted the audience to think about how you would act in certain life circumstances and what you would do to solve them. The work, based on real life events, positively influenced the students, showing their interest in this problem. The students were delighted with the emotions they received and expressed that they would like to continue visiting such places. The constant involvement of students in the theater will undoubtedly help in the formation of a culture of personality.


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