SDG 4. Quality education

6 december, 2023

 On December 6, 2023,  there was an online educational event with the  second and third year  students of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation  of  Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The event topic was “Youth of the Independent Country".  The students discussed December events, expressing their  gratitude and respect for the courageous Kazakh youth who  went to  Almaty's central square to defend their beliefs and protest against the appointment of a foreigner as the head of the republic. Poetry reading, mentioning important dates, and showing videos contributed to a deep understanding of the significance of the  national history. The active participation of  the students created an atmosphere of pride and patriotism, reflecting their dedication to Kazakhstan  historical heritage.

Organizers: Bekturova E., Aitmukhanbetova A.