An overseas internship opens the door to new research

20 december, 2023

Today, young scientists of al-Farabi Kazakh National University also contribute to the study of cultural artifacts in the country, thanks to innovation, comparative analysis of the Turkic peoples.

In accordance with the educational programs, the university is funded in the fields of philosophy, history, cultural studies, anthropology, religious studies and ethnology, archeology, various expeditions and business trips are organized.

This is an increase in the interest of the state and the university directly in the heritage of the Turkic peoples and a contribution to its development.

In addition, young scientists take part in foreign conferences and disclose the materials they have collected. All this will improve the quality of education, raise the level of society and education.

During the internship, the following works were performed in accordance with the plan:

- I got acquainted with the staff and the teaching staff of the Department of Literature and Folklore of the Turkic Peoples, Khajettepe University.

- As part of the research topic, I attended lectures by visiting professors of the Department of Literature and Folklore of the Turkic Peoples, Khajettepe University and other foreign scientific interns.

- Received advice and recommendations from Professor of the University Ozkul Chobanogly in the work on the practical part of the dissertation research work "Comparative analysis of cultural artifacts of the Kazakh and Nogai peoples" and the research work of the article based on Scopus.

- Made a presentation at a conference at the University of Chancery-Karatekin in the city of Chancery, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Turkey.

- In Ankara, with the support of the Turksoy organization, I got acquainted with the culture of the Nogai people on Turkish soil.

- Participated in the "Turk Halk Kulturu" Congress in Ankara. The research internship proved to be useful and fruitful in the preparation of the dissertation work and the Scopus article.

Zeinullin Raimbek

3rd year doctoral student of the specialty Cultural Studies