Vice-Minister of Education of the People's Republic of China arrived in KazNU

24 december, 2023

Chairman of the Board-Rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev held talks in an extended format with Vice-Minister of Education of the People's Republic of China Sun Yao, who arrived on a working visit to Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The meeting was attended by Director of the Center for Language Training and Cooperation Beijing under the Ministry of Education of the PRC Ma Jianfei, Vice President of Lanzhou University Gou Xiaohua, Vice President of Northwestern Polytechnic University Chen Jianyu, Head of Europe and Central Asia Division of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange Lui Jianqing and others.

Zhanseit Tuimebaev thanked Sun Yao for the special visit to the institution of higher education, noting that today's meeting will give impetus to the development of partnership between KazNU and Chinese universities in the field of science and education.

"The ties between Kazakhstan and China are developing day by day. This is evidenced by the frequent meeting of the heads of the two states. Recently, Al-Farabi KazNU has been intensifying ties with Chinese universities. Recently in our university opened a branch of North-West Polytechnic University. It was a great beginning. Because, it is the first branch of Chinese universities, which opens in Kazakhstan. I think that today's meeting will allow to realize large-scale projects. I would like to suggest, to open on our base the scientific center of KazNU and China. I believe that this center will allow to conduct scientific research in the technical direction and produce ready-made innovative projects on the production of China", - said the rector.

In turn, Vice Minister of Education of the People's Republic of China Sun Yao expressed his gratitude to the leadership and staff of the university for the hospitality and made a number of suggestions.

"I am sure that we will be good partners with KazNU. In the future we will support your university in cooperation with other universities. Lanzhou University ranks 50th in the world in chemistry. Therefore, it would be great if you would train doctoral students together with Lanzhou University. I also think it is necessary to exchange teachers on academic mobility with KazNU and Northwestern Polytechnic University", - said the Vice-Minister.

At the meeting, the parties agreed to systematically implement the above proposals.

Ms. Zhong Hua, Acting Consul General of PRC in Almaty, also spoke at the meeting.

Also during the negotiations, in order to implement a two-diploma educational program Chairman of the Board-Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebaev signed an agreement with the Vice President of Lanzhou University Gou Xiaohua and Director of Language Training and Cooperation Center Beijing at the Ministry of Education of the PRC Ma Jianfei.

During the working trip to KazNU delagation headed by Sun Yao visited the newly opened branch of Northwestern Polytechnic University and talked to students. Also familiarized with the activities of the Department of "Chinese Studies" and "Confucius Institute".






Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University