Historian of KazNU is awarded with the Letter of Gratitude of the President

27 december, 2023

The scientist-historian of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, executive director of the KazNU Alumni Association Baltabayeva Kulgazira Nuranovna took part in the final meeting of the State Commission on full rehabilitation of victims of political repressions.

At the meeting chaired by State Counselor Yerlan Karin, the results of the work of the State Commission and its regional divisions were summarized.

Scientist of KazNU as a member of the State Commission worked with historical documents, participated in the identification of data related to the victims of political repression.

On behalf of the Head of State, the Commission carried out a comprehensive and systematic work on the rehabilitation of victims of political repression in the 20-50s of the twentieth century.

The commission paid special attention, first and foremost, to research and cumulative-analytical work. Three research groups were formed to cover different categories of victims of political repressions, divided by specific topics. Already more than 2.6 million documents and materials have been removed from the "secret" label. The State Commission has carried out clear work within the framework of the current legislation on the rehabilitation of more than 311 thousand people subjected to political repressions. To scientifically formalize the results of the research in one series, a collection of materials of the State Commission consisting of 72 volumes was developed. For 2 years this center has processed more than 688 thousand cases from special state archives and issued about 48 thousand record cards in respect of victims of repressions.

During the meeting, scientist, historian Kulgazira Baltabaeva was awarded a letter of thanks from the Head of State Kasym-Jomart Tokayev for active participation in the work of the Commission.


Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University